Moonwell x100
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Donations refund

The most frequent question that we face after last news about Easy x100 wipe is "will the donation coins be returned?" Answer: yes, waht was already written in the previous topic. All coins that were purchased for real money in period from January 2011 to December 26, 2020 will be returned in 100% amount back to accounts and can be spent on purchasing goods on new Moonwell x100 realm without any restrictions.

Wait, what? I purchased warglaive on 2015, will you give it me back when new realm open?
Donate will be returned as coins for which the items were purchased. Right warglaive costs 319 coins, which means that the same amount of coins will be returned to your account.

Will the prices in donate shop be the same?
They will be slightly corrected relative to the current ones. Most likely things will cost less than they are now.

What will be on sale in donate shop?
At the start there will be a minimum donation to not make imbalance. Over time, we will gradually add new items. For example, when Sunwell opens and players starts getting gear, we will add items from this raid to shop, but not earlier. This is fair to new players.

Explain again what the "balance sheet reorganization" that will take place on December 15th is.
All coins on all account will be deleted. If you are a Moonwell x3 player, be sure to spend them. If you are an Easy x100 player, in principle, this is not so important, because there will still be a wipe, and all donated coins will be returned to you. More details:

How will the coins be returned?
On December 15, in your control panel on the site, you can leave a request to refund coins. Due to technical nuances, requests must be processed manually. Please note that refund requests will be accepted within two months, until February 15th. This is preliminary information. We post another info about the need to create an request on December 15.